пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

Texting in l33t

LMAO - laughing my ass off
LOL - laughing out loud
MYOB - mind your own business 
BRB - be right back
n00b - newbie
OMG - oh my God
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughning
m8 - mate
10x - thanks
2moro - tomorrow 

@TEOTD - at the end of the day
RUOK? - are you okay?
2L84 that - too late for that
CU L8R - see you later

- my heart is in pieces and only you can put it together
- I guess I never told you, I'm so happy that you're mine
- Are you free tonight of is it going to cost me? 
- Funny, lame teens and their lame texting. 
- In theory there's no difference between and practic there is. 
- Welcome to my new favourite sport - text messaging!
- Don't be irreplaceable, if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. 

In London, some people wished for world peace and an end to greed. Others wished for something for themselves, like to travel round the world or to own an expensive sports car. One man wished for health, happiness and love. We hope their wishes come true.

N Lndn, sam ppl vshd 4 wrld p3ac3 n an 3nd 2 gr33d. Othrs vishd 4 smth 4 thmslvs, lik3 2 trvl round da wrld o 2 own n 3xp3nsiv sports ka. 1 man vishd 4 h3alth, hpEn3ss n luv. Vi houp th3yr vishs cam tru. 

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